#!/usr/bin/perl # THIS IS A SCRIPT I WROTE TO TAKE THE OLD PERL FILE AND CONVERT MOST OF IT # TO PHP FORMAT $file = $ARGV[0]; $newfile = $ARGV[1]; open(PHP, ">$newfile"); print PHP " authenticate(\"\$Username\",\"\$Password\",\"U_Username, U_Password\"); \$html = new html; // ----------------------------- // Make sure they should be here if ( (\$user[U_Status] != 'Moderator') && (\$user[U_Status] != 'Administrator')){ \$html -> not_right (\"You must be logged in, and be a valid administrator or moderator to access this.\",\$Cat); } "; open(FILE,"$file"); while () { if ($_ =~/^1/) { next; } $_ =~s/{'/\[/igs; $_ =~s/'}/\]/igs; $_ =~s/cgiurl/phpurl/igs; $_ =~s/\.pl/\.php/igs; $_ =~s/#/\/\//igs; $_ =~s/w3t::/\$html -> /igs; $_ =~s/\$dbh -> quote/addslashes/igs; $_ =~s/print/echo/igs; $_ =~s/user\[/user\[U_/igs; $_ =~s/my / /igs; $_ =~s/\$sth -> fetchrow_array/\$dbh -> fetch_array(\$sth)/igs; $_ =~s/qq!/"/igs; $_ =~s/!;/";/igs; $_ =~s/qq\~/"/igs; $_ =~s/\~;/";/igs; $_ =~s/\%user/\$user/igs; print PHP "$_"; } print PHP "\n?>"; close(FILE); close(PHP);